Expert Briefing

International Advisory Board Meeting

19. Nov. – 20. Nov. 2024

00.00 – 00.00 Uhr

International Advisory Board Meeting

The International Advisory Board appointed by the Robert Bosch Stiftung advises the board of management of the Bosch Health Campus. It supports the Campus in the development of strategies and their implementation, for example in outpatient and inpatient (primary) care, translational research, education, hospital operations, digital and building infrastructure, digital medicine and the use of artificial intelligence, as well as innovations for healthcare. In addition, the experts provide advice on important decisions and facilitate collaboration with other national and international institutions.

For more information on the Bosch Health Campus and the International Advisory Board, please visit their website.

Ihr Ansprechpartner

Dr. Cornelia Varwig

Details zur Veranstaltung


Bosch Health Campus and Robert Bosch Stiftung