How does the human body respond to drugs? Which medicines offer the best treatment? What individual factors can play a role? These and many more questions are all being investigated by staff at the Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute of Clinical Pharmacology (IKP) at the Bosch Health Campus. Their goal is to make patient treatment as targeted and as individualized as possible.  

One research focus here is investigating hereditary factors and how they influence the effect a drug has. Another focal point lies on oncological questions, for instance: How can we inhibit the growth of “immortal” cancer cells?   

Findings from the Institute flow directly into clinical treatment and ongoing medical education at the Bosch Health Campus. Staff also regularly pass on their knowledge to the next generation, for instance in lectures at the University of Tübingen or by supervising foreign scholarship holders and visiting academics. 

The Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute of Clinical Pharmacology is part of the Robert Bosch Medical Research (RBMF), the umbrella organization for the different research facilities on site at the Bosch Health Campus. The research projects are supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung and by third-party funds.

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Institute Management

Prof. Dr. Matthias Schwab
Institute Director
e-mail to Prof. Dr. Matthias Schwab


Vera Bührer
Secretary's office
Tel+49 7118101-3700
e-mail to Vera Bührer
Susanne Pfundstein
Secretary's office
Tel+49 7118101-3700
e-mail to Susanne Pfundstein