


Yoga for stress and depression

New meta-analyses provide insights into the health benefits.  

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It’s all about transparency and user-friendly solutions

The most important topic at the Sciana meeting in Stuttgart: digitalization.

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Joana Ruf is the new director of the Irmgard Bosch Learning Center

She says: The culture of lifelong learning is gaining in importance.

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„We have to intervene earlier to keep people as healthy as possible“

What will healthcare look like in the future? How important will prevention and digitalization be?

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Minister of Science Petra Olschowski visits the Bosch Health Campus

The research visit focused in particular on current scientific developments such as digitalization in the healthcare sector.

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Pro-inflammatory immune cells in the gut discovered and reprogrammed

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Charité project receives first Ideas for Impact Award

100,000 euros for medical care for people in need of care at home.


Charité project wins Ideas for Impact

With "Stay@Home - Treat@Home", people in need of care receive health monitoring and medical care at home.

With “One Health” to a sustainable health system

[DE Copy] In Salzburg kamen Expert:innen des Gesundheitsnetzwerks SCIANA aus Deutschland, Großbritannien und der Schweiz  zusammen.

What artificial intelligence can bring about in medicine

Data scientist Gunnar Rätsch shows the potential of machine learning methods. 

Medical and Nursing Students Working as a Team

During his medical training, Sebastian Friedrich worked in tandem with a nursing student. Doing so taught him things that medical school never did.

Suddenly Words Fail You

The number of people suffering from dementia in Germany increases every year – also among people with migrant backgrounds. These people face particular difficulties in connection with the illness.
