Integrative medicine and health involves all appropriate therapeutic and lifestyle approaches, healthcare professions and disciplines that enable optimal health, healing or relief. It is based on evidence, focuses on the whole person and reaffirms the relationship between therapist and patient.

Based on this, the Robert Bosch Center for Integrative Medicine and Health links science and clinical practice at the Bosch Health Campus. Firmly anchored in evidence-based medicine, the Center's interdisciplinary team investigate the utilization, effectiveness, safety and cost-effectiveness of traditional and complementary medicine methods such as yoga and acupuncture as well as healthy nutrition.

Research focus

Research focuses on supportive cancer care, i.e. the treatment of side effects and symptoms of cancer and its treatment, as well as on pain therapy and mental health. The findings are incorporated into treatment and counselling at the Bosch Health Campus, but also into medical guidelines, in order to make them accessible to all patients and therapists. On the other hand, experiences from clinical practice flow into research and form the basis of new scientific studies.

The Robert Bosch Center for Integrative Medicine and Health is part of the Robert Bosch Medical Research (RBMF), the umbrella organization for the different research facilities on site of the Bosch Health Campus. The research projects are funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung and by third-party funds.

Professorship for research in complementary medicine approaches

The professorship for research in complementary medicine approaches is based at the RBIM and the Institute for General Practice und Interprofessional Care at the University Hospital Tübingen. It is the first research professorship in the field of complementary medicine at a German state university. The professorship is initially funded for five years by the Robert Bosch Stiftung, but unlike other endowed professorships, it is permanent from the beginning.

About the professorship at the University Hospital Tübingen

Ausgewählte Medienbeiträge



Yoga – Lifestyle mit Nebenwirkungen (3sat, 3. Juli 2024)

Wie gesund ist Yoga wirklich? (Salzburger Nachrichten, 2. Juli 2024)

„Wir untersuchen die Wirksamkeit von Komplementärmedizin“ (Gesundheit + Gesellschaft AOK, 06/2024)

Zwischen Lifestyle und Therapie (Spektrum der Wissenschaft / Gehirn & Geist, 11. April 2024)

Allheilmittel oder Hokuspokus: Welche medizinische Wirkung hat Yoga wirklich? (Focus Online, 11. April 2024)

Yoga – Mehr als ein Lifestyle-Sport? (Bayerisches Fernsehen, 4. April 2024)

Hält Meditieren wirklich jung? (Schwäbisches Tagblatt, 2. April 2024)

Krankenhaus testet Naturmedizin in der Krebstherapie (SWR Fernsehen, 22. Februar 2024)

Der herabschauende Hund erreicht sogar das Hirn (Zeit Online, 28. Januar 2024)

Drei Fragen an Prof. Dr. Holger Cramer (Forum Gesundheitsstandort BW, 24. Januar 2024)



Wie Yoga dem Körper schaden kann (Der Standard, 17. Dezember 2023)

Welche Beschwerden Yoga lindern kann (Tagesanzeiger, 25. November 2023)

Mima-Menschen: Holger Cramer (ZDF, 21. November 2023)

Versorgungsforschung: Neues Zentrum für Integrative Medizin und Gesundheit am Bosch Health Campus (Deutsches Ärzteblatt, 27. Oktober 2023)

Herausfinden, wie Patienten ideal geholfen werden kann (Radio Vatikan News, 21. September 2023)

Yoga ist wirksamer als strenge Regeln und Sport (Tagesspiegel, 25. April 2023)

Deshalb ist Yoga keine esoterische Modeerscheinung (SWR 1 Leute, 8. März 2023)

Are yoga claims bogus claims? (BBC Podcast, 24. Februar 2023)



Neue Professur für Komplementärmedizin in Tübingen (Thieme, Natürlich Medizin!, 21. November 2022)

Yoga, Achtsamkeit – aber keine Homöopathie: Das erforscht ein neuer Professor in BW (Südwest Presse, 19. August 2022)

Naturheilkunde-Professur soll „Potenziale heben“ (Ärzte Zeitung, 18. Oktober 2018)


Center Management

Prof. Dr. Holger Cramer
Scientific Director
e-mail to Prof. Dr. Holger Cramer
Dr. med. Marcela Winkler
Medical Director
e-mail to Dr. med. Marcela Winkler


Gregor Schnabler
Tel+49 711 8101-7860
e-mail to Gregor Schnabler
Yasemin Anguelov
Research Coordinator
Tel+49 711 8101-7858
e-mail to Yasemin Anguelov
